Monday, August 18, 2008

This Summer is Almost Over

To recap... Left the snow and the haters of Quebec, went to the Outerbanks, then to Kirtland, Nauvoo, Carthage, Iowa got caught in a Tornado, then Walnut Creek, ending up in Tahoe where... We played Mini Golf, Fished, Dillon caught his first fish on a fly, went to the beach alot, Sammie caught a fish with her hands, played tennis (kids went to Northstar Tennis Camp and so did Dad) Caught and devoured many Crawdads, went to a car show and won a few of prizes, ate steak, Dillon and Dad spent a week by our selves, Sammie went to Girls Camp and Connor went to BYU EFY and competed with Topper for Girls phone numbers ( I know we spanked him for that one) Oh yeah got a little Job in SLC and we bought a little house.
Big Summer. We missed all of you and hope you enjoy our pictures as much as we are enjoyed our Summer Vacation.
I hope this is not my last Summer I take off to hang with the Family but it might be.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Taylor and Zach's Dance Recital

Hello All- Taylor and Zach had their dance recital this past weekend.  It was so fun.  Here are some pictures from the big show!  Love, Aimee

Friday, June 20, 2008

Lifferth Anniversary

Happy 10th!

And three gorgeous kids to show for it. (along with a really cute house)

Great job!

We love you!!!!!

The Yostie Bunch.

Nauvoo Bound

So we landed in Nauvoo. After nasty "blueberry" pancakes midwest style. We headed out to see Nauvoo.

It was far off the beaten path and hard to get to but worth the trip. It is a village with 300 missionaries working. In the Nauvoo ward it truly is "every member a missionary". We stopped at Brigham Youngs House, Heber Grants Abode, John Taylor's house. We visited the Browning house where the famous guns smith lived. Sammie tried out the first machine gun. Then onto the Blacksmith shop where Dillon got a newly made horse shoe for a mini horse.
We made it over to the "Community of Christ Church" where Joseph Smith was buried along with Hyman his beloved brother. The Temple was a site to see. Beautiful. It made us cry to think of the Saints leaving Nauvoo looking back to see the Temple they had built on fire. It must of been so hard and yet the continued on to Iowa and so did we. NEXT POST Carthage jail.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Hi Yosties!

Looking at pictures of the Yost beach reunion makes me miss all of you so much! We think of you often and miss you guys. We are enjoying Malaysia, but can't wait to come back to Utah to visit my sisters. It has been a blast having my mom here. She is Kiara's 24 hour play toy! This has given me lots of time to spend with Kaile. She is 4 weeks old now and we have loved welcoming her sweet spirit into our home.

We hope to come to the beach next year to be with our Yost family. It has been too long. Hey anyone want to come visit us in Malaysia we would love it!!!


The Tolmans
Visit our blog too!:

Family Photos

Friday, June 13, 2008

Kirtland Temple Trip

So here is our Kirtland Temple experiece. Great time. School of the Prophets rocked hard. There was a real nice spirit in there knowing that this is where the Church leaders of the future learned the Gospel at Josephs feet. We also realized that Newel K. Whitney was a huge stud. Gave everything he had to the church. The Ashery was his and he donated all the proceeds to building the Temple. It cost 40k and took three years to build. Saints were very poor and sacrificed a lot to get this build. There was no picture taking in the Kirtland temple (owned by the fellowship of Christ) but my camera malfunctioned and took a couple of shots. I share some with you. Ask Sammie about the dating candle. Pretty funny. It was interesting to hear the guid at the Temple and that they have no idea why Jesus, Moses, Elias and Elija appeared in the temple. Great trip, now on to Nauvoo and Winter Quarters. Love you all. Someone else psot to this blog please!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Big Tornadoes at Little Council Bluffs Mall

Last night we go through the Tornadoes here in Iowa. They touched down just a little ways from where we were hiding. (Council Bluffs Mall) We pulled over to avoid getting killed on the interstate. Here are some pics to enjoy it with us, notice the wall of clouds as it moves down to the ground, you can see the rotation and heat the sirens to tell people to get into their basements. This Storm with multiple touchdowns was described as the storm of a 100 years. people lost their lives and we were blessed.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

OBX 08 Beach Trip was Big Sucess!

Well our numbers were small. By showing up we doubled the attendance. Lisa, Mary Ann, Nana and Grandfather and us the reborn westcoastyosts.

Weather was hot but great. Tennis was daily and lots of fun. Lisa has a back hand that few can handle and Mom still has a beautiful stroke. (the good kind)

We went night Crab hunting, Go Carting and later Grandfather show his mad skills on the boogie board.

It was a great trip. those who did not make it (most of you) missed a great trip and you were missed as well. Hope to see everyone next year. Love to all we are on our way to Kirtland, Nauvoo and then SLC and then Tahoe for the rest of the summer.

Come visit.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Topper 2008

Check out Topper in the back on the left.


Topper with some of his friends in Entertainers. May 2008

Topper and Tia end of year Concert

Topper and Tia are finishing their year with Encore and Entertainers Honors Dance Chorus. Since we will not be able to bring bragging photos and videos to the Beach (sniff, sniff) I thought maybe you might want to see how well they are doing:) Hope you enjoy. I am going to try and link the YouTube videos or upload the videos to this blog. Will see. -- Michelle

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hello family

Thought we ought to get with the times and have a place to chat and put up pictures of our lives. Boring they are not. I don't have Linda's e-mail so send that to me and we can put her up here too. Love to you all. See most of you soon. Movers come Wednesday and then it's off to the outerbanks and then accross country ( thank goodness not in a 64 VW bus) stopping in Utah for a couple of days then off to Walnut Creek and Karens mom, some US Health care and then off to Lake Tahoe for July and August. Come visit us!

Love to all.

david yost and family